Christy + Ben + Ella + Miles | Summer Sunset Family Session

"What happens if my kids don't behave?"

I hear this SO often and I fear it is the biggest obstacle from parents getting photos taken.  

After you look through these photos I sure hope you are thinking, wow well, doesn't this look like a perfect session? In complete honesty it absolutely was, for me at least. Christy probably didn't feel like that on the drive home. Miles is 3. Three year olds love to run, pout, laugh, take potty breaks, do the opposite of what you tell them, laugh uncontrollably when your sister comes to tickle you, cry for no reason, snuggle with your favorite stuffed monkey, and on..and on.. and you know what? I LOVE EVERY SECOND with those crazy toddlers.

I can tell when parents start to worry and I just shake my head and say let them be little. I don't even get worried like parents do if kids don't pose every single way I want them to. I just tell parents to let them be who they are and I will chase them, try and relax and love on them. 

To me these photos are SO full of life, and really how else do you want your family captured?? 

Thanks to these 4 for being perfect models and especially for Miles for having an amazing and strong personality. Aren't they all just the CUTEST?!?!

p.s. I think after this first image Christy was getting a bit nervous... I wasn't. ;) 


With Love, Sarah